Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Resultado de traducción para turn on to something en español


turn on verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
prender (la luz, etc.), encender (un motor, etc.); (argot) calentar, excitar

Ejemplos de uso de
turn on verb

  • Unsurprisingly, the fanboys were turned on by the movie's amazing special effects and slam-bang plot.
  • Would you turn on the TV?

Traducción inversa para turn on to something

prender  (la luz, etc.) - to take root, to pin, to fasten, to catch fire, to catch, to apprehend, to catch on, to light (a cigarette, a match), to turn on 
encender  (un motor, etc.) - to light, to light, to set fire to, to switch on, to start (a motor), to arouse, to kindle 
calentar  (argot)
excitar  - to excite, to arouse 
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